Friday, 24 June 2016

Themed Laps This Year

At various points during the 24 hours of Relay, we hold special themed Cancer Awareness laps.  These are designed to draw your attention to key messages and extend your knowledge of the terrible disease that we are fighting against and the work done by Cancer Research UK.  We’d really like every single Relay participant to join in with these themed laps.  A few of them require a small amount of homework first - please take the time to create and bring with you any items you may need.

Saturday 12:20pm - Team Banner Lap 
This is a great way to promote cancer awareness. Every team should bring a banner along with them to Relay promoting their team – but with a cancer awareness message.  Try to include one of the five key awareness messages: Diet and Healthy Eating, Stop Smoking, Exercise and Activity, Be SunSmart and Know Your Body on your team banner.  This is the very first lap your team walks in the Relay – try to get all your team onto the track for it, as we’ll also be taking our official team photos during this lap.

Saturday 1:30pm - Sunsmart Lap 
To promote a staying safe in the sun message, we walk the track dressed in magnificently decorated sun hats and carrying parasols, whilst the DJ plays fantastic summer tunes - whatever the weather. 

Saturday 5:15pm - Quitters Lap with Big Cig: Starting with a lap for anyone who has quit smoking already, and for those people who feel that with the support of Stockport Relay now is the time for them to quit.  Closely followed by the mayhem that is Big Cig.  Kids and a few giddy adults can pay for wet sponges to throw at the nasty big cigarette as he races around the track.

Saturday 6:45pm - Here Come The Girls: This lap raises awareness of breast cancer.  We want every woman, girl… and men in fancy dress too… to get onto the track and dance their way around a lap in recognition of the fight against breast cancer.  Wear a decorated bra or top- make them fancy with sparkly bits, cover them with an awareness slogan, message or just do something incredibly zany.

Saturday 8pm - Hollywood Lap : Before our Saturday evening awards ceremony, we’re asking you to dress up in your glamorous best, or maybe don that movie based fancy dress costume.  We’re looking forward to an amazing colourful lap from all of you.

Sunday morning 0:07am - James Bond's Midnight Madness - At the halfway point in our Relay we pause to consider men’s cancers, then go mad with midnight madness!  Baggy trousers are the order of the day, preferably decorated boxers or underpants over the top of your trousers.  Welcome to the house of fun.

Sunday 10am - Purple Lap : This lap is to celebrate the colour of hope, the colour of our survivors.  Meet at the front of the stage wearing your finest purple costumes and decorations for the “Fight Back” ceremony, and then we all dance one brilliant lap of the track. 

Sunday 11:55am - United We Are Stronger Than Cancer Conga Lap: This lap will show that Stockport Relay  is united in its fight against cancer.  We finish Relay 2016 with a massive conga around the track to show that one day we WILL conquer cancer!